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Another Reset in Power

Hello Godis Gang,

So HERE WE ARE a total NEW SITE! I am actually grateful for the reset after a few years of ups and downs with the journey! But I am SOOOOO glad to be back and up rebuilding our tribe our community and safe haven! I will be honest gang it’s been a journey but I’m learning even more that the main objective is DO NOT GET DISTRACTED! As you who were on the other site know I JUST released my latest 3 singles when I became a victim of a badged bully Detective Lestine Gilbert and a housing scam with Land Contract Detroit in Detroit, Michigan ran by a Sandra Rees-Gibson who appears to be running insurance fraud often! In which I was placed in jail under false charges and my home was rid of all my and my child’s possessions and boarded up overnight not to mention so many other crazy things with this case but we will def tap into that later anywho….

Talking with spirit as I was led to a messenger who told me when you are attacked so aggressively you got to stay focused on whatever it is you was doing when you came under attack and I sat down and pondered what exactly was going on in my life at the time when I was arrested under false charges….

1.I was rebranding and rebuilding a new site anyway.

2. I was working on and releasing music and very excited about it!

3. I was getting back into a committed relationship with Yoga.

4. Getting back into the books and enhancing my crafts and training my powers.

5. Preparing to shoot content for YouTube channel and music videos

6. Focusing in on ME and My blog and My brands, My music especially

7. Getting back to myself from a long road of emotional distraction!

8. I was becoming more disciplined for myself and my journey in my purpose!

After this unnecessary and brutal attack on my emotional, mental & financial well being, I felt like I was definitely going in a 180 degree direction down a high functioning depressed and anxiety spiral! But definitely holding a balance of some sort during this time as this situation progresses but it was yesterday (7/12/22) *its now 7:12pm on 7/14/22 lol…. when I finally realized GODIS you tripping you can’t distract yourself with people and unnecessary things right now out ever again for that matter! Healing through trauma isn’t easy as is but I noticed when it’s time to fight or fly oh I’m out! And this has been a toxic pattern in my life for far too long I’ve suffered in silence about so many things because I didn’t choose to utilize my voice of survival and a conquer to fight when I was wronged! Or even speak out for that matter but with this full moon innergy I release this timid innergy and fear, I release taking the easy way out! I choose to fight for Justice for myself and also fight to fulfill my vision in the space, my music, my purpose and I will not be stopped not even by myself!

Welcome to and all of its grandness!


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