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Attracting Abundance into your home every 1st of the Month

Ok it's the 1st of the month and surely because my bday is in 6 days I want to make sure I am taking the time to ensure all abundance is walking into my home and through anything attached to me. So it only made sense to come share with you a few different ways to attract abundance into your home.

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Unknown member
May 01, 2023

The cleaning of our clothes is definitely one I gotta figure out & I need a prayer

Unknown member
May 04, 2023
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Lol I’m tickled it get easier with practice


Unknown member
May 01, 2023

Amen I will be doing this thank you Yaya

Unknown member
May 01, 2023
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Yw ima try to remind y’all as I do mine, I’m getting into teaching and sharing things I do as a godis don’t even realize!🫶🏾

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