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Back to Weekly Tribe Candles

Ok so out of my will back into alignment I have finally gotten a printer back and my Mind is running clear thoughts from one side to the next thank you God! With that being said :


I am back to our weekly candle rituals for our tribe and Safe Haven! So I will do a different set of candles per week for the tribe and if you want in on them let me know! And I will put a small white candle on the Altar for you personally just send the love donation.

This week's Candles for the tribe:

Connected Crown-

"My Psychic Abilities Are Strong and Ever Growing"


-Shield of Protection

-Psychic Connection Protection

-Protection of Your Divine Connection from Evil Forces!

Eye Spy Evil Eye- Protection and Discernment of The Evil Eye and it's sender through any portal.. phone, social media, work, spouse, friends, frienemies, school, family WHATEVER WHOEVER AND WHYEVER!!!!

The Ultimate Block & Protection concerning and negative intention or innergy directed toward you in anyway space time or dimension affecting the present with intentions of:


Return to Sender with Amplified Intentions

Demons of war protection

Destruction of and enemy known or unknown

I may add another candle to this list haven't been led to yet! But y'all know if Spirit Say So... ima handle dat lol! I do think I will add new key candle! Later !

But let me know if you want a personal candle just send a love donation!

Love y'all!

Candle will be done on Monday's from this point forth!!!!

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