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Grand Rising Godis, Recall, Realign in MY Power!

I'm adjusting sooo much right now cause a lot of the people shit folks be on ain't for me! I'm over people claiming to be Godis Gang cause mf ain't really no reflection to Gods soul how I know you can't recognize the God within other to hold on to hope and faith of humanity peoples hearts are hardened! So im just doing ME FOR GODS GLORY BY MY LONESOME! Cause all these years I was trying to do me for US!! But US don't ever got ME! So it's simple I QUIT! For the next 6 months I'm focused on ME! My Music, My Finances, My Family , My Healing, Reinventiing myself, Me Me Me! Will I continue to bring my healing journey in the open here for sure! Will i continue to be my Godis self oh but of course. Will I continue to pour love and knowledge where it is sought out for sure But I have no rights to offering anything to anyone anymore! there's even someone subscribed to this site right now that is against me, just a fucking spy to be nosey and see what I got going on!!! Like really WHY? I feel everything and what drains me I pull from just watch! Cause God exposes all nothing is left hidden trust me it's just if I choose to see or hear what God telling me! These days I'm listen to EVERYTHING! Ripping the UNNECESSARY from around me voluntarily or not in some cases! Paying attention better to how people THINK they going to treat me, Misutilize, use and abuse me! Because I'm Treating, Utilizing, using and Loving myself better and more everyday healing the parts of my heart people use to easily manipulate. There some changes going on around here BIG TIME!! And I wish you all the best everything I gave for free must return to me cause I won't pay with my peace! Asè Eye Say So Mote it Be!

No love lost for all, More love found in me!!!

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