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Grand Rising Start your day at the Crossroads in Gratitude!!

In Godis perception regardless of your path you must start your journey at the crossroads with your God! Commanding and calling In the energy you wish to surround your day with in the vibration of gratefulness!

Does this mean literally go to where the roads cross every rising and night NO!! Of course not, I do however mean go within to speak and seek God FIRST and actually take the time to be grateful for all that you have, all that has been and all that will be! If you don't know how to do that for yourself you are welcome to use my song "Clear House" or "Broken Chains" As I do sometimes what that Gospel song say "If I can't say a word, Then I'll just play YaYa" or something like that lol!! Just kidding! But no if you don't have the words to pray to command your day you can play a song that affirms you positively in power. And I'm going to be dropping some prayers In the forum on the Spaces App so make sure you're really tapped in!

Anywho, Social media is a fucking drug do you know how many people pick up their phone before their toothbrush in the rising? Never the less spend time on social media taking in everyone else innergy before they claim and activate their own innergy for the day! IT WAS ME I WAS PEOPLE FOR A FEW MONTHS BUT I AM DELIVERT!!! (Was in a distracting situation)

And while in my shift and initiation spirit exposed me to me and I had to take accountability of the mess I had let into my life just by my early morning dose of social media before my early dose of ME! Let me tell you when I'm not aligned I think my ass whoopings are on another damn level cause I know damn better that human in me ain't shit 🙄! So during this particular ass whooping PaPa Legba (My Main Spirit Guide) was really playing games and tricking the fuck out of me with the illusions aka mask people was wearing! Wheeeewwww...(sorry y'all know God teach me as I share with you that was deep) so until I tapped back into proper ritual and communication and practice with myself and my guides I noticed shit was ARRAY!!!

Me being me after too long I was in reflection like "Hold the FUCK UP, REMEMBER WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE CAUSE BABY THIS AINT GODIS SHIT." I had to realize that I was giving my power away because I wasn't in my own innergy with the Divine standing in my power first thing I was tapped into the damn illusion the fucking matrix I had already escaped. That wasn't going to be working! So I had an active responsibility to release everything not serving me and recall my power back because it was really distracting me from what I was suppose to be doing like being here and on YouTube and this music.

And since I've spent a few days more intentional about this I can most def feel the shift in energy!

And I'm sure you will too!

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