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New Fences

Boundaries are firm and I’m proud of me… I thought my purpose was to be there for everyone it’s simple just show up for myself. Too many people have played too close with secret envy jealousy and intimidation in their heart towards me got them nowhere but exiled out my innergy budget. I send back any vibration you left with me cut all cords from my heart and mental space with a sword of fire! Never to be reattached I do this swiftly I call in every ounce of innergy and energy given into any person place thing or situation that’s didn’t serve me abused me misunderstood me played or manipulated me in any form. Return swiftly any innergy or energy given stolen hidden of mine to me RIGHT NOW. Leaving the void it created in me once it was gone! I cancel out the hate, I cancel out their evil eyes, I unravel every false intention with discernment, and I close the door to any of my unmatched and unreciprocated high vibrations. I call in the divine power over my business and finances cut the cords to the curses and hexes placed on my sources of income RIGHT NOW EXPEDITIOUSLY WITH A SWORD OF FIRE! I CANCEL THE THIEVES WHO FINANCIALLY THRIVE OFF MY INNERGY I SNATCH IT BACK NOW AND LEAVE THEM THE INNERGY THEY GAVE ME RETURN TO SENDER ASAP! I rise above and transmute every vibration that was sent to misalign and distract me and every test brings more opportunity and saves! I call these things to be not as though they were RIGHT NOW for the good of me and harm to whoever is trying to harm me Asè Eye Say So Mote It Be!

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2023. márc. 27.


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