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So much to share I really be confused where to start!

I realize the other day I got so much to say, share, teach, vent, celebrate, cuss about that I often get stuck on where to start! To know me is to love me cause I’m most definitely one of a kind. I feel like this deer In the headlights effect that the world gives me is because I’m just not 3d at all! That makes it hard to function here! I was meditating and Spirit spoke to me and made it all make sense! We are not the same Eye am a Godis! And I think I knew and understood it before I accepted it! I’m in a place of acceptance and confidence with my power at this point! So I feel like I’m breaking that mental F.O.G (Fear Over Gratitude) I was in that allows me to feel so out of place that I shut down. And what’s wild is I’m shedding a skin no one realized was even there! But they will be able to see vibrationally a weight has been lifted off my shoulders of self doubt, fear, inconsistency no longer have a place in my life! I am being ME Unapologetically AGAIN! Out of my cocoon into my best years ever! Thank you here for being here just buckle up random post every time I got something to say lol yep SHE’S BACK!

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