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Sometimes even I am hardheaded to Spirit...

Y'all even for me emotional distraction is so easy and the fight within emotional balance is just that an all out fight; That I'ma WIN every damn time btw. About 2 months ago I was on a good roll and I was dedicated. I have figured out the biggest thing I do to distract myself is to help others or get involved in other peoples mess in the name of "helping" when in real life the only help I can be to someone is a help to myself. It's crazy how we'll be molded to pour into people that don't pour into themselves or we distract our Self Love journey to help another on theirs. I've asked God to show me when I am doing this so that I can make more conscious decisions with my innergy and my time, AS always and never failing I've been revealed to myself. More so than the revelation; the actions after the revelation is what matters the most. "What am I going to do to correct this hindering habit, I'ma call it from here on out!

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Unknown member
Feb 08

I definitely needed this !!!!


Unknown member
Feb 07

you Speaking loud to me!

Unknown member
Feb 07
Replying to

Hell I’m speaking loud to me to love

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