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The Godis Gang Hymnal

I am BEYOND EXCITED to announce to you his that I have single handily released my first body of music!

"Clear House"

The Godis Gang Hymnal

I released it 03/20/23 which was Spring Equinox or the "Energetic New Year" and it


This is literally my spiritual baby, I've been pregnant with for too long we just gone say this body of work was WAY over due! I've been recording music since I was 17 years old. It just always seem to be something that was a hindrance to producing a decent not perfect but authentic body of work!

I put my whole soul into this EP.

It's a 7 song Ep the song titles are as follows:

  1. Can't Be Fake

  2. If Spirit Say So

  3. My CupBoard

  4. Clear The House

  5. Healing & Growing

  6. Money Rain 2.0

  7. No Hesitation

It's wild in the last year I went through a crazy police brutality case in Detroit

Practically homeless with my kids,

My finances felt to be under an attack I was unable to invest in my music but I decided got to walk fearlessly walk in purpose in my prayers God let me know I got it. So I put my healing from this trauma on these tracks. I RECORDED, MIXED AND MASTERED THESE ALONE ON MY PHONE BECAUSE THAT’S ALL MY FINANCES WOULD ALLOW AFTER ALL MY STUDIO EQUIPMENT WAS STOLEN BUT I PUT MY SOUL INTO THIS JUST 25 MIN EP!

This is a playlist of healing and realignment take a listen and tell me what you think.

God bless you for investing your time, I release blessings in abundance!

Ion know where you get our music so here’s everything lol I can’t help it I’m excited!

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