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YouTube Short Series

I’m healing through being bad with over thinking and perfection I admit it! Mainly because I’ve always been judged so harshly and maliciously! So in healing that I have decided to do a segment on my YouTube channel called “Out Of My Will & Into My Time” I am a great teacher and divine ruler, I always have been many lifetimes in this lifetime I have gone through the series of past lifetime test (Karmic test & Lessons) and I def have reached the point of activation in this life time to acquire the success to build consistently elevated generational wealth. But through these karmic lessons I feel as though my confidence and self esteem took a hit because of lack of support, loss, betrayal, a lot of things that weren't perceived in a way that was strengthening me emotionally! That's why I'm big on perception shifting within this tribe because it's gone turn out the way you see it Periana!

So getting the fuck out my head where all I see is blessings, abundance, prosperity, successs, by doing all these wonderful things I naturally love to do.... I just got to do them! Tired of thinking about it time to be about it! Over thinking immobilizes me at times and it causes anxiety if you don't know got to balance this! Right now it's time to get clear on the plan and GO AFTER IT!

Not my will but Gods will be done,

I'm out of my will into my time,

And I'll die everyday for this!!!

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Unknown member
May 07, 2023

Asé Happppppy Birthday Yaya 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

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